Safety water is lower risk for all the guests and personnel
Water quality control is extremely important in any type of building, and this is why Sanipur offers SANIKILL for hotels, restaurants, recreational facilities and casinos. SANIKILL is an innovative technology that helps you protecting your guests from water bacteria infections.
Discover Sanipur technology: Monochloramine for Commercial Facilties.

Large building with big recirculating hot water loops such as hotels and apartment complexes are a perfect environment for growth of Legionella and other opportunistic waterborne pathogens.
Hospitalities are not required to develop a water management program, but a proactive approach can save time and financial resources and lives.
What will happen if there is Legionella in your building water system?
If Legionella is found into a commercial water system or even worse, if an occupant gets sick, the cost for the building to remediate the issue in terms of money and public appearance will be much higher than implementing a water management program to prevent it.
For this reason, Sanipur works with several hotels, apartment complexes, casinos, and other commercial buildings in order to keep all the guests and residents safe.
Legionella can cause a fatal pulmonary infection called Legionellosis or Legionaries’ disease (LD) and LD can be fatal in approximately 25% of the healthcare reported cases.

Legionella colonizes the plumbing system

Legionella contaminates distal sites

Legionella can cause fatal pulmonary infection
SANIKILL: the most effective technology against Legionella and other waterborne pathogen
Peer reviewed field studies demonstrated that just after one week from the beginning of treatment Legionella distal sites’ positivity reduced by 97%was reduced by 97%.

All SANIKILL monochloramine generators feature a 24/7 remote monitoring system that allows to record the data with no storage limitations and with a live text and email alarms notification system.
SANIKILL in the patented
technology against Legionella
3 scientifica articles to discover why
it is the best solution for waterborne pathogens prevention.

Dedicated Solutions for Hotels and Wellness Centers
SANIKILL monochloramine technology to prevent Legionella.