Innovation in filtration

Health and Safety with FILT’RAY©, point of use filters

FILT’RAY COMPACT all-germ point-of-use filters provide a physical barrier to reduce the risk of infection related to waterborne microorganisms.

Sanipur can ship any filter quantity along with the necessary adapters and quick connects OVERNIGHT EVERYWHERE IN THE UNITED STATES.


The FILT’RAY filter product line includes faucet filters, wall mounted shower filters, handheld shower filters and inline water filters.

  • Protection from pathogens including legionella spp, pseudomonas aeruginosa and other waterborne pathogens
  • Rinsing of medical devices
  • Surgical handwashing
  • Food and drink preparation
  • Personal care
  • Immunocompromised patient care
  • Ice machines

General information

  • Instantaneous microbial challenge at DO, 1, 2 and 3-months, in accordance with the ASTM F838 standard,
  • ASHRAE 514 compliant Class II medical devices,
  • FDA-510 Cleared,
  • Class Is Medical Devices comply with European Regulation EU 2017/745. CE marked: year 2023,
  • International potable water certification (ACS – France, KTW – Germany, WRAS – United Kingdom).

Unparalleled performance

  • Bubl’air Wash™ Patented self cleaning membrane. This technology creates a constant flush of water and air across the filter membrane to avoid any clogging and achieve hydraulic optimization.
  • UltraResistant (UR) high flow rate tubular membrane.
  • Long-lasting filter. The filters durability ranges from 31 days to 4 month depending on the client need.
  • 3 x larger microfiltration surface area.
  • COMPACT Design: suitable for faucets with a low drop height, smaller design and lower shipping costs

Attentive management of reverse contamination

  • Easy to install. Filters are easy to use and quick to install, they have a much smaller membrane (0.1 microns) than other filters (0.2 microns) that ensure a full protection.
  • Terminal Point-of-Use filtration: 100% of the water exposed to people is filtered
  • No “dead” volume remains after the water flows through the filter
  • Tilted quick connector optimizes the installation position and helps in reducing backsplash contamination
  • Structured conical jets at 1 to 5 bar that are optimized for no splashing and spraying

Discover more about us

Healthcare facilities


& recreational Facilities

and drinking water